St. Benedict Parish

One Community of Faith
Rooted in Christ

Welcome to St. Benedict Parish!

Welcome to Saint Benedict Parish and the home of Perpetual Adoration in Atchison, Kansas! Whether this is your first point of contact with our community, or you are a long-time parishioner, we extend our warm Benedictine hospitality to you!

A little bit about us: We are a vibrant Catholic community deeply in love with our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Located at the corner of Second Street and Unity, we are proudly adjacent to the campus of Benedictine College. Here at Saint Benedict’s Parish, we enjoy a mix of demographics from the town and also the college community. Our parish comprises three churches – Saint Benedict, Saint Joseph, and Saint Patrick. Sacraments are celebrated at all three churches, and we take our faith both seriously and joyfully – both at Mass and in our daily activities.

Whether you are a practicing Catholic thinking about joining our community, a fallen-away Catholic praying or contemplating about a return to the Church, or a non-Catholic with questions about our Catholic faith, please reach out to us. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, we are eager to walk alongside you. Please don’t hesitate to connect with us!


Father Luke, OSB – Pastor

Thank you to our generous website sponsors!

Mass Times

• 5:00 pm - St. Benedict

7 am, 9 am & 11 am - St. Benedict
8:30 am - St. Patrick
10:30 am - St. Joseph

Monday-Saturday Daily Mass:
8:15 am - St. Benedict

Confession Times

Held at St. Benedict Church unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday - 6:00-7:00 pm
Saturday - 4:00-4:45 pm
Anytime by appointment: 913-367-0671

Upcoming Events

What’s Happening