
Marriage is the sacrament by which Christ joins a Christian man and woman in a grace-giving, lifelong union. Thus any two baptized people capable of marriage, when they are freely and legally married thereby receive the sacrament of marriage. Christ joins them together. The couple give the sacrament of marriage to each other in what is probably the most important exercise of their priesthood. As the ordained priest is Christ's instrument in bringing about the Eucharist or in giving Christ's forgiveness in confession, so the husband gives this sacrament to his wife, and she to him.

Any Catholic young adult (18 years and older) can get married in the Catholic Church. If a person is divorced and wants to marry or remarry in the Catholic Church, they can "petition" to be free to marry. Six months of preparation is required before the marriage of a Catholic.

Please fill out the form below to get started on your marriage preparations!