Order of Christian Initiation of Adults


For those in our community who feel moved to join our community of faith, our parish is proud to offer the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, otherwise known as O.C.I.A. Learn more below, and fill out the form at the bottom of this page to inquire about joining the next O.C.I.A. group. Know that we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ each day!

Director: Justin West

Thursday evenings, mid-September through post-Easter time
7:00 - 8:30 PM
St. Benedict Catholic School Building

Overview of OCIA - Four Step Process

To be used in the first Inquiry Class


  • Meet weekly for classes.

  • A time to share your life’s experiences with everyone.

  • Hear the Good News of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • A time to ask questions about the Catholic faith.

  • Receive introduction into many of the basic Catholic teachings.

  • A time to begin prayer and reflection on our relationship with God.

  • The period reaches its end with the Rite of Welcome; a time when the Inquirer publicly request membership in the Catholic Church and proclaims a desire to enter into the next phases of the RCIA program.


  • Continue to meet weekly.

  • Begin attending the first part of Sunday Mass together as a group.  You will be dismissed after the Liturgy of the Word; this time will be used for teaching and faith sharing.  Scripture break will last until the end of Mass.

  • The period of the Catechumenate will focus, in more detail, on the Church’s teachings.

  • Learn about evangelization and Christian service.

  • Pursue an even deeper prayer life which will include both public and private prayer.

  • The period ends with the Rite of Election; a time when the Catechumens and Candidates publicly acclaim their desire to complete the sacraments of initiation into the Church.


  • A time for deeper reflection on our relationship with God and to seek a more profound conversion to Christ.

  • Scrutinies - a three week period during Lent spent focusing on areas in our spiritual life that are in need of improvement as well as recognizing areas of strength that can be used to better serve the Church and our community.

  • Those that have already been Baptized in a Christian faith will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before participating at the Easter Vigil.

  • The RCIA process reaches its peak at the Easter Vigil, at which time, all participants will be received into full union with the Catholic Church; those who have not been, will be Baptized at this time.  All will receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.


  • Sharing in our Lord’s death and resurrection through the sacrament of Eucharist.

  • Continued emphasis on sacred scripture, prayer, and stewardship.

  • The neophyte should use this time to reflect on both the journey they have just completed and begin a time of prayer and reflection on the call of the Church - “to go out and proclaim the Good News.”

  • The OCIA program concludes on Pentecost Sunday as we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on God’s Church and mark the day in which the Church was made manifest to the whole world.