Parish Cemeteries

St. Patrick Cemetery

St. Patrick’s Cemetery, 19384 234th Street, Atchison, KS is located West of the parish church, in Southern Atchison county. It was established in 1863 on three acres of land donated by Jeremiah Flynn. Prior to 1863, deceased members of the St. Pat’s community, as well as Catholics for the entire county of Atchison, were buried North of the church, on the Southeast corner of the Union school district building lot. The remains of those bodies were transferred to the “new” cemetery shortly after it was established.

In the same year, St. Benedict’s Cemetery, now Mt. Calvary Cemetery was established North of the city of Atchison.

St. Patrick’s cemetery has approximately 690 graves, with stones dating back to 1857.

Dan McCoy
(913) 683-0821

Mt. Calvary Cemetery

Location: 9950 Highway 7, Atchison, KS 66002

Formerly St. Benedict's Cemetery, Mt. Calvary Cemetery was established in 1863. Records and information are available at St. Benedict's Parish Rectory, 913-367-0671

Mt Calvary Cemetery has specific requirements for headstones and grounds.  Please call the office for a copy of the Mt. Calvary Cemetery Rules and Regulations before ordering headstones or placing decorations.

Grave Decorations will be removed as scheduled below:

January 7th - All decorations recognized as Christmas decorations

April 15 - All decorations including those in cemetery approved vases

June 6th - All decorations except those in cemetery approved vases.

Anytime - Items judged by management to be unsightly, offensive, weathered, out of compliance with regulations, hazardous, a hindrance to maintenance, or inappropriate to a sacred place.

Please Remove Any Decorations You Wish to Keep Before the Dates Posted Above.

Additional Cemetery Guidelines

  • No Benches

  • No Glass Containers or Garden Hooks are allowed in the Cemetery

  • No animals, leashed or unleashed

  • Only one marker to grave space

  • No planting or digging of any kind

  • Monument/Headstone care is Family Responsibility:  One Marker to Each Grave Space.

Lindsay Koester or Carol Hager
(913) 367-0671

St. Patrick Cemetery
Mt. Calvary Cemetery