You make our Liturgies a reality, consider helping us bring Christ to our fellow parishioners. Learn more below.
Liturgical Ministries
Our priests and our parish depend upon those willing to donate their time and talent to our ministries. So whether you’re willing to help serve, read, sing, setup, or a variety of other aspects of our liturgy, use the form below to let us know. Not sure? Scroll below to learn more about these programs.
Along with the priest, deacons, and all liturgical ministers, the altar servers help lead the assembly in the worship of God. Altar servers demonstrate to the people their love and devotion for what they do by their demeanor, appearance, and reverence in handling the sacred vessels, candles, and holy books. They help those pray more deeply through highlighting the Real Presence of Christ by going about their tasks with respect, honor, and humble dignity.
Teams of dedicated cleaning volunteers ensure that the sanctuary and adjoining areas are kept clean. If you enjoy worshipping in a clean space, free from distraction, then this ministry is for you. Once every four to five weeks, on your time, spend some quite time with God, in house, while dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the restrooms and gathering trash. Volunteering for this ministry will enhance everyone’s prayerfulness while at church.
“Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth; break into song; sing praise.” -Psalm 98:4 Requirements and Responsibilities Proclaim the Word of God in the Psalms and lead the assembly in sung prayer. Those wishing to serve in this role must have a pleasant voice, a good sense of pitch and rhythm, and a prayerful, joyful spirit. Music is distributed in advance so that cantors may prepare at home.
“Give thanks to the LORD on the harp; on the ten-stringed lyre offer praise.” -Psalm 33:2 Requirements and Responsibilities Support the cantor or choir musically by playing the piano, organ or guitar. Those wishing to serve in this role must be able to work with various musicians, read music, have a good sense of rhythm and tempo, and follow the cantor or choir director’s lead.
"I was a stranger and you welcomed me." -Matthew 25:35
What does a Greeter do?
This is a great ministry for families! Greeters and Ushers are the first people that parishioners and newcomers encounter when coming into our parish. It is their job to provide a welcoming atmosphere. The Christian hospitality shown to those who arrive at Mass draws people together and opens them to participation. The greeter’s smile and warm reception sets the tone for the liturgy by welcoming both friends and strangers to be at home as they enter the church to prepare for Mass. At least two greeters are needed for every weekend or holy day Mass held at St. Benedict and St. Joseph.
Requirements & Responsibilities:
Welcoming people as they enter the Church
Distributing worship aids if necessary
Distributing bulletins
Finding individuals or a family to present the gifts
Answering any questions
Preparing the worship space for the next liturgy by picking up trash, etc.
Time Commitment:
One training session
Arrive 15-20 minutes before Mass.
“The Lord GOD has given me a well-trained tongue, That I might know how to answer the weary a word that will waken them.” -Isaiah 50:4
What is a Lector?
Lectors proclaim the Sacred Scriptures and make them come alive in our hearts. They must proclaim God’s Word clearly and compellingly so that the worshiping assembly will be inspired to ponder and meditate on God’s words daily. We should have at least two lectors at all weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Requirements & Responsibilities:
Must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic who is in good standing with the Church
Must have a clear, steady voice and be comfortable reading in public
Must be willing to study the Scripture passage and practice proclaiming the reading before each Mass Lectors are expected to dress in a modest and respectful manner.
Time Commitment:
One training session
15 minutes at home to practice the readings
5-10 minutes before Mass to review the readings once more before Mass, and to check to make sure Lectionary is open
"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." -John 6:54
What is an EMHC?
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests and deacons of the parish in distributing Communion at Mass. There is great joy and satisfaction to participate in this wonderful gift to God's people. EMHCs are also needed to take Communion to nursing homes, the hospital, and to the homebound. You must be Virtus trained to take Communion to the community.
Requirements & Responsibilities:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are expected to show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and how they handle Jesus Himself
Must be a fully initiated Catholic and in good standing with the Church
Time Commitment:
An evening of training is required before a person can be recommended to the Bishop to be commissioned to distribute Communion
Arrive at least 10-15 minutes before Mass to prepare your heart to encounter Jesus in this way
“Then he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready. Make the preparations for us there. The disciples then went off, entered the city, and found it just as he had told them; and they prepared the Passover.” -Mark 14:15-16
What is a Sacristan?
The Sacristan provides a vital service to the worshiping community. The sacristan’s general responsibilities are to help prepare and maintain the worship space and to have in place the items and people needed by the Presider to properly and prayerfully celebrate Mass and other liturgies, in a smooth and flowing manner. Sacristans are needed for every weekday, weekend, wedding, and funeral Mass.
Requirements & Responsibilities:
Faithful Catholic in good standing with the Church who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
Willingness to learn liturgical terms, differences throughout the liturgical year and the rites for sacraments and liturgies for holy days
Arrive before Mass to set up the altar and clean up after Mass
Time Commitment:
One training session
30 minutes before arriving to Mass to set up
5-10 minutes after Mass to clean up
“Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” -Romans 12:13
What is an Usher?
Greeters and Ushers are the first people that parishioners and newcomers encounter when coming into our parish. It is their job to provide a welcoming atmosphere. Ushers are called on to provide support before, during, and after the celebration of the Liturgy. They ensure the comfort and safety of the assembly and assist in keeping order during liturgical events. Ushers serve at the Mass of their preference.
Requirements & Responsibilities:
Helping seat assembly members as they arrive
Taking up the collection and securing it
Assisting the gift bearers
Guiding the Communion procession
Answering any questions
Assisting parishioners in case of illness or emergency
Occasionally counting the people in attendance
Preparing the worship space for the next liturgy by picking up trash, etc.
Time Commitment:
One training session
15-20 minutes before Mass and various duties during Mass
“For everything there is a season.” -Ecclesiastes 3:1
About the Art & Environment Team:
This team works behind the scenes to transform our worship environment to heighten the awareness of the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the different liturgical seasons. Their quiet presence is often unnoticed, yet the results of their labors are visible to all the parish community.
Requirements & Responsibilities:
Seasonal Decorating Crews:
People are needed to arrange flowers and plants, and to place other items appropriate for the liturgical season or special liturgy in the church prior to major feasts and seasons such as Christmas and Easter. Seasonal decorating assistance is also necessary at the end of the major seasons to remove the décor and properly store it for the next year.
Linens Crew:
People are needed every week to launder and iron the linens used at Mass along with the albs worn by the servers. Linens are typically taken home on Sunday or Monday, laundered, ironed, folded and returned by Wednesday or Thursday.
Time Commitment:
Decorators: Varies depending on the season
Linens: 1 hour every few weeks