Family of Faith Formation

MISSION: The mission of the Saint Benedict Parish Family of Faith Formation Program is to help parents bring their children into communion with Jesus Christ and His Church, leading them to the love of God the Father and life in the Holy Spirit. We strive to provide teaching that will allow each student to develop a deeper understanding of Catholic teaching and mature in the life of Faith.

Transforming the CCD program from past years, the goals of Family of Faith are to encourage and equip parents/grandparents to live and teach children the Catholic Faith. With Wednesday evening meetings for adults and children held twice each month, along with home activities, this program will give parents the knowledge and tools needed to bring children up in the Faith. A family fee of $45 will include a parent’s guide, an activity book, a family journal, and a bible. Students preparing for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation (typically grades 2 and 8) will also meet the remaining Wednesdays of each month. All meetings will be held in the lower level of St. Benedict Catholic School.

First Family of Faith meeting is Wednesday, September 4, 2024. All classes will meet at St. Benedict Catholic School, lower level 6:45 – 8:00.


● Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the program’s Masses, penance services, and other special activities throughout the year. It’s such a blessing for parents and children to spend time on these liturgical activities together.

● For student safety, preschool through 4th grade students must be accompanied into and out of the building by a parent or authorized adult.

● Weather cancellations will be announced through email/Flocknote text by 4:00 p.m. on the day of class. Please include your contact information on the registration form. Family of Faith Registration Form

The Family of Faith calendar for 2024 available by clicking here. Family of Faith 2024-25 Calendar

Empowering God’s Children Youth Safe Environment Program Information Sheet & Opt-Out Option.  Safe Environment opt-out-form