Women’s Email List
Welcome to the Atchison Catholic Women's email group! Please review the group’s description and guidelines below. And use the form to introduce yourself to the group moderators and request membership.
Women’s Email Membership Application:
Group Guidelines:
This email loop exists to be a resource for local Catholic women to share information, ask for help, publicize upcoming events, submit meal requests, buy/sell household goods, etc.
Membership is open to women who live and/or work near Atchison, KS and whose immediate family attends a parish in/near the area.
Members should not promote ideas in conflict with the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
This list may not be used for direct-email business solicitation.
Due to recent spam activity, members are now required to receive emails, either via individual messages, daily digests, or daily summaries. Members selecting "no email" or "special notices only" will be removed.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!